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8th Grade

Coach:  Cayla Knapp;

Season: Winter

6th/7th Grade

Coach: Niki Hamzik-Andrews;

Season: Winter


Ladies interested in playing volleyball - you must register through CVMS in order to try out in early December. To prepare, please join us for any or all of the three open gyms: November 25th, 26th, and December 3rd from 2:30-4:30. You do not need paperwork for the open gyms and they are optional. You will not be penalized for not coming to the open gyms. Try-Outs are December 4, 5:30-7:30 (after the basketball game) and December 5 from  2:30-4:45. Athletes MUST complete RMA and Register my athlete to try-out. If you have any questions, ask Ms. Knapp or Mrs. Andrews!

Practice and game Schedule 2024/2025 

Things you need to know:

All athletes must register on REGISTER MY ATHLETE  on the CVMS website under ATHLETICS. Everyone must do this before the tryout dates or you will not be able to tryout even if you have played a sport at CVMS in the past. If you have tried out for a sport or played on a CVMS team, you will still need to register! If you have current physical on file, you will not need to get a new one, the office staff will make a copy of it and put it in your file.