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Accountability, Reports & Surveys


Surveys are a vitally important communication tool. The feedback and comments received on our surveys help us reflect and make improvements to our schools and our programs. Student, parent, and post-graduate surveys help us assess school climate, student and parent perceptions and beliefs, as well as identify issues affecting the learning environment. We appreciate our learning community taking time to participate!

Please note that participants' comments are generally not included in the public reports as these may contain personal information.

2024-2025 Student Surveys 

YRBS Questionnaire

SCSEL Student Survey Fall 2024

Nevada Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2021

Opt Out Survey Forms

SCSEL DCSD Parent Opt Out Form 24-25


The District's Accountability Office aims to ensure broad access to accurate and timely student and school level information to be used for educational decision making and to provide support for data driven decision making throughout the district.   The Office supports schools by providing data tools and reports that can be used to promote student achievement and make data-based educational decisions. 

Major responsibilities:

  • Compliance with federal and state accountability requirements.
  • Accountability requirements as mandated by the Nevada Revised Statutes, such as data for District Accountability Reports and the System of School Accountability.
  • Administrative oversight for student school days in session, statistical month calendars, class sizes, enrollment, withdrawal, attendance, and count of pupils for apportionment.  Data for graduation rates, attendance, truancy, and transiency, program enrollment and participation, and pupil achievement and school performance.

cvms Accountability Report Card

2022-27 DCSD Strategic Plan

CVMS School Performance Plan

CVMS SB 178 Addendum and Appendix Supporting Document